

发布时间:2020-04-30 17:23作者:福州试管生殖

I have experienced a lot during pregnancy, 武汉代怀孕排名 and my pregnancy is separated and my kidneys are separated.5 and left ventricle strong photoelectric, hematuria and placental sinus.Fortunately, I passed the level in one place and successfully passed the level!

@ 鄢 -Yan authorized pregnancy

My expected date of birth is April 20, 2018, and the date of production is April 16, 2018 (gestational week 39 + 3). I am a reciprocated son.

First, the first trimester

I started to see red when I became pregnant in dialysis in August of 2017. I have been having symptoms of threatened abortion (probably because my placenta is too low to cover the cervix). Then I started to take medicine and stay in bed. I have been eating in the area before.Ketones and Progesterone Capsules.

I don't know what happened. At 16 weeks, the placenta suddenly separated from 武汉助孕诚信坤和助孕 the uterine wall and there was a major bleeding. I rushed to the emergency department at 2 am and immediately performed hospitalization.

After 10 days of hospitalization, there was no more 武汉代孕哪里好,分娩孕期一路过关斩将,生产时 bleeding. After the results of the tests were normal, the doctor agreed that he could be discharged home and stay in bed to protect the baby.I have been bedridden since I was hospitalized, and I have been sleeping and eating in Lasa. (Thank you very much for my mother-in-law, husband, parents, and my mother-in-law who takes me shit and urine, cooks and takes care of me, and my husband after workGo home and bathe me. Without their support and encouragement I may not be able to last that long.) I stayed in bed for 5 months to 34 weeks before I started getting out of bed and staying at home.

Second, second trimester

I thought I could rest assured that I was pregnant. Tang Si passed smoothly, but when I made a 20-week appointment for 4D, I checked out the child's heart light spot, tricuspid regurgitation, placental sinus, lateral ventricle widening, and kidney separation.These problems can imagine the blow to me. The moment I got the report when I was in a wheelchair to the hospital, my emotions broke down. I cried in the hospital and knew that pregnancy would not be easy, but I didn't expect that there would be so many.And repeated blows.Because I have always had bleeding causes, the doctor suggested that I do non-invasive DNA because the risk of sheep wearing is too great. Fortunately, the result of non-invasive DNA is low risk.To add a sentence here, I will basically do a check every half month during the whole pregnancy period, including taking blood, checking the B-ultrasound and so on. The number of B-ultrasounds is about 14 times. Those who say that the B- son has done too much are not good.Sisters, in fact, if it is done for you and your child's health a few times, there is no problem, after all, science and technology are still very developed.The risk of radiation is not too great!

Third, the 武汉助孕官网认准上海坤和 third trimester

By the third trimester examination, the lateral ventricle widened at 34 weeks.8 has been absorbed and both kidneys have separated 0.5 and left ventricular strong photoelectrons have been present, and hematuria, placental sinusoids have been accompanied throughout pregnancy.

Fourth, production

我在4月15日(39 + 2)上午看到了它,由于之前的种种原因,我去医院查看了医师的主张住院,那天我正午就住院了。晚上8点,我开端定时缩短5-8分钟,子宫颈在12点开端软化。 我在1点钟翻开手指,在6点钟翻开手指。那种变软的宫颈茶不是很苦楚的,我认为这与我的体质有关。我认为出产会更顺利。 我没想到我前次出世时儿子会摧残我一次。 我去了临产室看医师,由于医师翻开了七指羊水,医师没有人为地弄水。被污染,我被赶往手术室的剖腹产。


这是我的第一个孩子,这是我的第一次怀孕。 您能体会一下中心怎么摧残我吗?走运的是,我没有抛弃,我幸免于难,现在孩子现已1岁了,十分健康心爱!我写了很多话来鼓舞受孕摧残的姐妹们。 期望咱们有决心,不要轻言抛弃!我度过了如此困难的韶光,每个人都必须没事。关于孩子的染色体,咱们现已制作了非侵入性DNA来保持孩子的生命。 应该做的查看也是一项完好的成果,不然咱们将不会盲目地抱着孩子!





